How to Have a Productive Morning

Are you ready to learn HOW to have a productive morning?

It’s time to take control of your morning! There are 2 keys to having a productive morning. It all comes down to having a plan as to what you need to get done in the morning and your night routine.

Your night routine allows your body to relax and gives you a chance to get organized for the next day. Think of it as giving yourself a chance to unwind before falling asleep instead of going straight from work or staring at a computer screen all day to bed.

The key to productivity when the morning comes is having a game plan and sticking to it! It’s about maximizing your time so that you can get your task done more efficiently!

This post is all about how to have a productive morning!

1. Develop a night routine

…and stick to it! Having a night routine gives you the opportunity focus on yourself and things that will relax your mind before you go bed.

Trying to go to sleep right after a long hard day at work might make it more difficult for you to fall asleep and actually get restful sleep.

Create a night routine that you’re excited to do! If you don’t have those special pair of pajamas, sleep mask or a skincare routine that leaves your skin feeling like butter you ARE missing out!

This is not something that should be rushed, but take your time. Be gentle with yourself. Give yourself ample time to go through your routine, read a few pages or even a chapter of your favorite book before you fall asleep.

Make sure that you are getting 6-8 hours of sleep each night. You will notice that you will wake up in the morning feeling so much more motivated to take on your day!


2. Make a plan

The key to productivity is all about having a plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Either the night before or the morning of write out specific things you NEED to get done. Look at these things as your non negotiables!

When you shift your mindset to “these are things I WANT to do” to “these are things I HAVE to do” the game changes.

When you want something it tells our brain that it may not matter if it gets done or not. When you say you have to get something done you are more likely to get those things done in a timely manner.

When you are prioritizing productivity in the morning those tasks HAVE to get done.

The daily planner below has helped me sooo much with productivity because I know exactly what I need to do when I’m going into my day!

how to have a productive morning

I’ve been using this daily planner for the past 6 months and have repurchased twice! I love how quickly I can write down task that I need to get done and they actually get done!

I keep this daily planner on my dresser so it’s easy for me to grab at night or in the morning when I’m planning my productive morning.

This is especially useful if you are someone that juggles a 9-5 job and social media, building a business, etc. because it keeps you on track!

3. Consistency is key!

As with anything, consistency is key! It might take a few weeks to form habits that fit your lifestyle but the trick is that you HAVE to stick with them.

Yes, this means even on the days when you don’t feel like showing up or when you are lacking motivation, stay consistent. Keep showing up for yourself.

I know this might be challenging, but growth doesn’t come in comfort. There might be a few days or nights when you just don’t feel like it and that’s totally okay! You’re only human.

Focus on creating habits that work for you and your lifestyle and will help you get that much closer to reaching your goal.

If you need to write out your daily habits so that you will stay on track, then do it!

4. Proiritize movement!

A morning workout is always a good idea! Especially one’s that you can do from the comfort of your home. Goodbye expensive gym membership!

Before you get started with your day it’s important to prioritize some sort of movement whether that be yoga, Pilates, strength training, cardio, etc.

Working out in the morning, gives you a huge endorphin boost which basically means that there is a release of happy hormones and this ultimately decreases stress. Not to mention there are tons of benefits for morning workouts!

Morning workouts are the perfect “me time” activity and you get to start off your day on a positive note! It’s a win win situation.


5. Eat a healthy breakfast

The key to eating a healthy breakfast is making sure that it’s a BALANCED breakfast. A healthy and balanced breakfast includes protien, veggies, carbs and healthy fats.

Quick and easy breakfast ideas includes: eggs and turkey bacon with avocado toast, a strawberry and banana protein smoothie or breakfast scramble tacos.

This will help you start your day on the right foot and fuel your body until your next meal!

While you are eating a healthy breakfast, go ahead of pack a healthy lunch too! Again, make sure it’s balanced!

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